

For years the small church has been taught to worship and believe that God will deliver and bless them. One of the primary messages taught is the power of giving an offering and paying tithes. I believe in the theology of worship, trusting God, giving an offering, and paying tithes; however, we also understand and believe in the theology of stewardship, the power of operating with a plan and a margin to fund the church’s mission. 


Many mega-churches to medium size churches operate through programs that generate revenue from government and/or corporate grants, obtain money through sponsorships for events, and operate a for-profit entity with the profits from the entity going back to the church tax-free!  


Smart Church Advantage aims to empower the small church to include the theology of stewardship in its strategic planning. This will free the small church from unfaithful individuals declaring their anointing to be the source of its economic empowerment.  



We believe building occurs in sequences. If the church builds a model to enhance its economic viability, the families and the disadvantaged will reap the benefits. The church’s successful mission is someone else deliverance.


One of the models Smart Church Advantage promotes is the Master Plan Model. This model includes three additional entities to complete the church's comprehensive management structure. We refer to this as the small church trifecta. George Barna, the founder of the Barna Research Group, a market research firm specializing in studying Americans' religious beliefs and behavior, states, "it is time for the church to adopt a whole new paradigm for understanding itself, a model borrowed from the contemporary business world. 


The church's pastors will be judged not by their teaching and counseling but by their ability to run the church smoothly and efficiently as a business. And like any secular business, the church must show a profit, which is to say it must achieve success in penetrating and servicing its market." 




For the church to be efficient and effective, it must employ the services of an experienced management team. One of the first things Jesus did before starting His assignment was to pick 12 experience business people to manage the organization and fulfill His succession plan. These disciples understood this principle and employed this same strategy when the early church began to complain about the church business. The disciples knew the solution to the problem was to find qualified business people to run the organization. Church management is a strategy, not a miracle. 

   Boot Camp   


We choose to use the word boot camp because it provides an in-depth and immersive learning experience that can take several weeks or months to complete. Our intense training in Kingdom economics requires hours, days, and even years of exploring the proper use of money as God intended. God promotes wealth the world promotes money, which is the home of the spirit of mammon. When wealth is converted into money, it comes under the influence of mammon. For this reason, we refer to our training as a boot camp because the process begins with a new paradigm, which demands time.   


Clergy Trifecta  



The clergy trifecta is a rule of thought to help clergy organize their compensation tax strategy. It involves maximizing their tax-saving options as common-law employee, entrepreneurial, and investor statuses. We believe this business modal has been the missing piece in the clergy tax playbook. For more information click here. 











Reset Program  



Our Reset Program helps pastors develop healthy churches by guiding them through experiences to align vision, strategy, team, and action. With the Reset Program, you have an experienced ally helping you place the right people in the right assignment. The Reset Program focuses on your team's strengths through our temperament-centered management program. For more information click here.  

Temperament-Centered Management 


Temperament is not to be confused with personality. We are born with a specific temperament and it remains constant throughout our lifetime. Our personality, however, is the combination of our temperament, cognitive abilities, value system, life experiences and the influence of the Holy Spirit. Understanding your temperament is not for the purpose of labeling yourself or becoming a temperament bully (by saying, “This is who I am; deal with it”). The goal is to empower you to identify and manage temperament strengths so you can leave a legacy for your grandchilden and fulfill your Kingdom assignment. For more information click here